Ford TUTUP!?? kisruh diler Ford vs FMI & pajak Everest
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Re: Ford TUTUP!??
busett.. padahal di BSD baru buka dealer Ford yg gede banget (Nusantara Ford).. tiba2 malah ada berita mau tutup..
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Re: Ford TUTUP!??
VW jg ngos2 an omm, mau beli golf lama inden nya selama bayi dikandungan.. belum lagi bbrp unit display yg di sroom barang 2014 , untungnya klub nuvolks vw cukup solid.
Tahun 2015 memang mimpi buruk.. byk org meninggal krn ekonomi yg rada2...
klo yg minum frisi** n obat tidur dah ga kehitung..
Tahun 2015 memang mimpi buruk.. byk org meninggal krn ekonomi yg rada2...
klo yg minum frisi** n obat tidur dah ga kehitung..
engine roaring!
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Re: Ford TUTUP!??
Asli ngagetin abis..
Manalg udah ga layanin penjualan, gara2 perang diskon n thn kmrn ekonomi suram ya.. Padahal thn ini ud mendingan deh
Saya jd mikir untuk pemain baru taktik mazda yg paling bagus..
Manalg udah ga layanin penjualan, gara2 perang diskon n thn kmrn ekonomi suram ya.. Padahal thn ini ud mendingan deh
Saya jd mikir untuk pemain baru taktik mazda yg paling bagus..
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Re: Ford TUTUP!??
kykyhalim wrote:@om Sintoni: Apapun statement resminya ttg layanan purna jual.. Tebakan ane akhir taun ini bengkel resminya palingan juga udah ilang semua..
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Re: Ford TUTUP!??
Buset, bukannya di hr muhammad baru buka yah.....
Long Live Yasiiiirrrrrrrr

sintoni wrote: Kalo lama2 kayak gini, lama2 consumer Indo tambah brand-minded, semua beli Toyota Honda secara takut kejadian yang sama terulang.
Malah ane takut Chevy Renault begitu2.

Long Live Yasiiiirrrrrrrr

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Re: Ford TUTUP!??
Mari kita petakan kekuatan Ford di Indonesia:
Ranger: very good, sangat diterima pasar, populer di pertambangan - market benchmark
Fiesta: Ecoboost mesin yg bagus, sayang body nya sudah agak jadul
Focus: pasar sedan memang kurang menjanjikan. Mau hocus pocus sejago apapun, percuma kalau pemain divisi 1 coba2x di sector ini.
New Everest: good but overdue product. Price kills it.
Sayang...disaat Ford Aus berjaya release Mustang setir kanan (Malay dan India segera menyusul), Ford Indo malah gulung tikar.
Padahal saya berharap bisa beli Mustang RHD ATPM. Seperti biasa, versi jandanya tentu.
Ranger: very good, sangat diterima pasar, populer di pertambangan - market benchmark
Fiesta: Ecoboost mesin yg bagus, sayang body nya sudah agak jadul
Focus: pasar sedan memang kurang menjanjikan. Mau hocus pocus sejago apapun, percuma kalau pemain divisi 1 coba2x di sector ini.
New Everest: good but overdue product. Price kills it.
Sayang...disaat Ford Aus berjaya release Mustang setir kanan (Malay dan India segera menyusul), Ford Indo malah gulung tikar.
Padahal saya berharap bisa beli Mustang RHD ATPM. Seperti biasa, versi jandanya tentu.
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Tanggal ganjil - Lexus RX 270
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Re: Ford TUTUP!??
Ga lama lagi bisa jadi operasi mrk di bbrp negara ASEAN akan tamat juga
* Bukan ajakan Beli *
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Re: Ford TUTUP!??
Bau-baunya disuruh tutup sama para bule ini..
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Re: Ford TUTUP!?? ... nesia.html
Di jepang juga tutup, wah semakin sedikit merk yg berkompetisi di pasar itu merugikan konsumen, emang typical pasar Indonesia orang2 Indonesia klo beli mobil pasti lihat aftersale nya sperti saya jg ada rencana beli mobil saya dri daerah yg jarak2 jauh dri kota
Di jepang juga tutup, wah semakin sedikit merk yg berkompetisi di pasar itu merugikan konsumen, emang typical pasar Indonesia orang2 Indonesia klo beli mobil pasti lihat aftersale nya sperti saya jg ada rencana beli mobil saya dri daerah yg jarak2 jauh dri kota
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Re: Ford TUTUP!??
Ini lah yang jadi alasan orang indonesia brand minded.
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Re: Ford TUTUP!??
Selain Indonesia, Jepang juga disuntik mati..berita ini bener2 bikin kaget secara produk Ford lumayan diterima oleh masyarakat di kota besar, terutama pengusaha tambang dan perkebunan
WSJ, Bloomberg, Reuters memberitakan hal yang sama ... 1453723892
WSJ, Bloomberg, Reuters memberitakan hal yang sama ... 1453723892 ... SKCN0V3112TOKYO— Ford Motor Co. will cease all operations in Indonesia and Japan by the end of 2016 because it doesn’t expect to achieve sustainable profitability in the two markets, the auto maker said Monday.
Ford, the second-largest auto maker in the U.S.—which has a 0.1% market share in Japan and a 0.6% market share in Indonesia—will close all offices and dealerships in the two countries, spokeswoman Karen Hampton said.
“It has become clear that there is no path to sustained profitability, nor will there be an acceptable return over time from our investments in Japan or Indonesia,” Ford spokesman Neal McCarthy said, adding that Asia Pacific President Dave Schoch notified all employees in the region on Monday about the decision by email.
Ford’s move highlights U.S. car makers’ struggle to make significant inroads in major Asian auto markets dominated by Japanese auto makers including Toyota Motor Corp.
In Japan, domestic brands account for more than 90% of the new-vehicle market. Ford, which has been selling cars in Japan for more than four decades, sold 5,000 vehicles there in 2015.
Auto demand in Japan, facing an aging and shrinking population, is expected to decline in the coming years and Ford’s chances for success are shrinking, Ms. Hampton said. Ford has 52 dealership outlets and 292 employees in Japan, she said.
In 2002, Ford started selling vehicles in Indonesia, Southeast Asia’s most-populous country, where Japanese auto makers hold about 90% of market share. But it had no local production and didn’t offer vehicles in popular segments such as multipurpose vans, Ms. Hampton said. Ford’s retail sales in Indonesia fell to 6,103 vehicles last year from 11,614 in 2014. Ford has 44 outlets in Indonesia and 35 employees there, Ms. Hampton said.
Ford’s move comes as some auto makers are revamping struggling operations in the region. Last year, General Motors Co. decided to shut its Indonesian assembly plant and shift its strategy, teaming up with a Chinese joint-venture partner, SAIC Motor Corp. , to build and sell minivans there.
Auto makers, including Ford, are also making sure they have enough resources to meet tighter emissions regulations and expand into new business fields such as autonomous cars.
The Asia-Pacific region will continue to be a significant region for Ford, which sells around 6 million vehicles a year world-wide, Ms. Hampton said. In China, the world’s biggest auto market, Ford sold 1.1 million vehicles in 2015, up 3% from a year ago, she said.
Ford, one of Detroit's "big three" automakers, follows in the footsteps of General Motors Co (GM.N), which last year decided to stop making GM-branded cars in Indonesia - with the loss of 500 jobs - amid intense competition from Japanese rivals.
Ford began operating in Japan in 1974 and has 52 dealerships in the country, employing 292 people. Last year, it sold around 5,000 vehicles in Japan and held a share of around 1.5 percent of the imported new car market.
In Indonesia, where it entered the market in 2002, Ford has a staff of 35 and sells through 44 franchised dealerships. Last year, it sold around 6,000 vehicles, taking a 0.6 percent share of the total new car market in a country struggling from economic slowdown.
"In Indonesia, without local manufacturing ... there's just really no way that automakers can compete in that market, and we do not have local manufacturing," said a Ford spokeswoman based in Shanghai, confirming the content of the email.
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"If you think education is expensive, try the cost of ignorance"
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Re: Ford TUTUP!??
Mungkin, Hikmahnya klo mau diterima masyarakat Indonesia bikin pabriklah disini. Allout bikin bbrp produk disini. Calon pembeli lbh tenang. N ad rasa bangga lho pake produk yg "made in Indonesia" *imho
Big Displacement V engine enthusiast:
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Re: Ford TUTUP!??
Padahal gw ngimpiin pengen punya focus ecoboost
Bye bye mimpi
Pdhl dr segi produk bagus2
Masih diatas chevy
Jd mikir, kalo ford aja ko gimana merk lain macam renault
Bye bye mimpi
Pdhl dr segi produk bagus2
Masih diatas chevy
Jd mikir, kalo ford aja ko gimana merk lain macam renault
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Re: Ford TUTUP!??
Bilangin ke ford, database semua mobil yg udah dijual disini beserta part catalog dan service manualnya jangan sampe hilang, supaya kalau some day mereka mau balik, pemilik ford sekarang nggak kayak yg punya telstar ke bawah yg ditolak masuk beres..
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Re: Ford TUTUP!??
Gak sih om, di thai mereka berjaya juga krn ada pabrik heheheTurboman wrote:Ga lama lagi bisa jadi operasi mrk di bbrp negara ASEAN akan tamat juga
CR-V 2.4 (RM3) "Brownmobile" / Myvi 1.3X (M800) "Elsa"
biar cepat asal selamat~
biar cepat asal selamat~
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Re: Ford TUTUP!??
soooo sad heard about this, produk bagus tapi klo marketing sama after sales nya kacrut ya bgini jadinya, market share cuma sanggup 0.6% apalagi no local manufacturing, berat diongkos, gak nutup lah, wajar tutup. Fix batal deh bungkus all new everest, pajero/fortuner maning 

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Re: Ford TUTUP!??
Siap2 hunting everest 3.2L titanium seharga innova......... 

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Re: Ford TUTUP!??
Terus terang kaget denger berita ini. Saya pernah mo order Wildtrak gegara review om Billy, tp gak tahan nunggunya.
Pertanyaan besarnya setelah Chevy Spin keluar, disusul Ford keseluruhan, sebenarnya teori2 manajemen Barat masih oke gak yah? Mengingat brand2 Jepang lumayan bertahan di Indo.
Pertanyaan besarnya setelah Chevy Spin keluar, disusul Ford keseluruhan, sebenarnya teori2 manajemen Barat masih oke gak yah? Mengingat brand2 Jepang lumayan bertahan di Indo.
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Re: Ford TUTUP!??
Iya setuju paling lama tahun depan bengkel sekarang nya tutup.
Tapi gimana opsi diambil sm apm group lain? Misal issue subaru dulu yg mau diambil garansindo?
Tapi gimana opsi diambil sm apm group lain? Misal issue subaru dulu yg mau diambil garansindo?
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Re: Ford TUTUP!??
Wajar 2 brand perancis tsb masih bertahan..Siap86 wrote:Peugeot renault yg jualanya dikit aja masih bertahan:(
Peugeot msh under Astra.
Renault msh under Indomobil.
Walaupun jaringan be-res gak niat, setidaknya mereka masih ditopang oleh Astra, sehingga sales - service tetap jalan & semoga masih aman sampai bbrp tahun ke depan

Beda sama FMI yg berdiri sendiri -____-
*Tidak Ngajak Beli dan Resiko apapun Mohon Ditanggung Sendiri
*Tidak Ngajak Beli dan Resiko apapun Mohon Ditanggung Sendiri
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Re: Ford TUTUP!??
Mazda gimana ya ini? Krn masih sharing parts sama Ford
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Re: Ford TUTUP!??
Kaget liat path ada yg share ginian
Sebagai pemakai fiesta jadi sedih..
Padahal masih mimpi naek focus ecoboost!
Jadinya harga jatoh bgt dong ini mobil
Sebagai pemakai fiesta jadi sedih..
Padahal masih mimpi naek focus ecoboost!
Jadinya harga jatoh bgt dong ini mobil

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Re: Ford TUTUP!??
Jaringannya fmi leburin aja ke mazda kalo mau...
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Re: Ford TUTUP!??
hah?? padahal kan gak jelek2 amat penjualannya yah??
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